For the first time in a few years, I’m going to write down my goals for the next year. In fact, I’m going to share them with whoever reads this, in an effort to actually follow through on them. Check back for updates, favorite/star/write down/tattoo, my website! Whatever helps you remember.

Now to the list, I guess this is my first listicle?

1. Finish Writing My First Full Draft of My Book

It’s a big one to start off with, I know. This is going to be the year that I finish a first draft of a book that I’m proud of.

2. Run 100 Miles

I was going to add on going to the gym 100 times, but I don’t think I can be that optimistic. Based off my past two years of running, where I went from 32 miles to 56, I don’t think this is going to be too difficult, I didn’t track every run on Strava, so there may have been more miles than accounted for last year.

3. Getting Out of Bed and Making My Bed

When my alarm goes off every morning I spend anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour on my phone. Whether it’s apps or social media, I have been running out of the door almost late too many times this past year. So this year, mostly on weekdays when I have work or school, I’m going to start my day right.

4. Budget Appropriately

Anyone have any good tips on this one? I’m going to need some help here.

5. Post Every Friday

Yep, the big one (besides the book). This one is based off of Casey Neistat’s daily vlogging to help his creativity. This gave me the idea to daily blog. Yeah, that wasn’t really going to happen. After some deliberation I have decided that once a week will be hard enough as it is.

6. Try to Be Less Insecure

This is about a few things, about the posts I make on this blog as well as across my social media. I need to find more confidence in my writing as well as myself if I want to make it as a teacher next year or in any writing field. This starts now!

There you have it, my resolutions! I hope you’ll help me keep to them, we’ll see how this goes. Check back next Friday for (hopefully) my next post!